
Concatenating SQL is the bigger sin here, but this misuse of StringBuilder is mind-boggling.

Dear unknown previous programmer,

Good for you that you used a StringBuilder. But you completely missed the point of using a StringBuilder. Even worse that you’re concatenating SQL like this:

StringBuilder SomeRecord = new StringBuilder("Insert into [SomeData] (SomeNumber, SomeName, SomeAttribute1, SomeAttribute2, SomeAttribute3, SomeAttribute4, SomeAttribute5, SomeAttribute6, SomeAttribute7, SomeAttribute8, SomeAttribute9, SomeFlag) " +
    " values ( " 
    + "'" + lsSomeNumber + "' , " 
    + "'" + lsSomeName + "', "
    + "'" + lsSomeAttribute1 + "', " 
    + "'" + lsSomeAttribute2 + "', " 
    + "'" + lsSomeAttribute3 + "', "
    + "'" + lsSomeAttribute4 + "', "
    + "'" + lsSomeAttribute5 + "', "
    + "'" + lsSomeAttribute6 + "', " 
    + "'" + lsSomeAttribute7 + "', " 
    + "'" + lsSomeAttribute8 + "', "
    + "'" + lsSomeAttribute9 + "', " 
    + "'" + lsSomeFlag +"' )" );