Welcome to the brand spankin' new TimSchreiber.com
I’ve been using WordPress for some side projects lately and decided it was a great time to consolidate my blog and résumé sites into one. Not a lot has changed in terms of content, except for my new homepage. You should go check it out if you haven’t already. Other than that, there’s my blog and my résumé, and that’s pretty much it.
I know I promised last year to start posting again once things calmed down, and now I intend to do just that. Nine months after I picked my family up and moved us halfway across the United States from Utah to Kentucky, we are finally settling into what I believe has become our new normal. Okay, maybe we might have been settled for a while, but… whatever.
At work, my project is suffocating under a mountain of technical debt that has accumulated over its nine year history, which led me to tweet the following question yesterday:
I know Refactor > Rewrite, but is there a point at which you accrue enough technical debt that you declare bankruptcy and start over?
— Tim Schreiber (@tim_schreiber) July 28, 2013
I’m still reading and considering a great many things, but that will be the topic of my next post, and apparently my job, for the foreseeable future.